A view of Newgrange that demonstrates the immensity of the mound, and shows the megaliths that separate the land of the living from the sacred land of the spirits and of magic. anthropologists speculate that the more complex these tombs became, the more likely that only a few initiates (shamans, probably) would have been allowed to go inside the tombs in order to experience the power of Sun-magic. Having gone inside the chambers, this seems a totally reasonable hypothesis.

Megalithic (big rocks!) art at Knowth. It reminds me very much of Aboriginal rock-art in Australia.

Don standing next to a pillar-stone at Knowth. It would have cast a shadow penetrating the mound (the opening is original) at specific times of the solar year.

Forecourt decorated megalith at entrance to Newgrange.

One of the most intricate and intriguing of the designs at Knowth.
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